Kids Bike Training
with Kcc
1. Bikeability Balance
£15 per session per rider
4 - 6 sessions lasting between 20 and 45 minutes (maximum). 1:6 maximum ratio, or 2:12 when instructors are aided by a teaching assistant. Bikeability Balance prepares pupils in Reception and Year 1 for participation in Bikeability Level 1 by using games to develop their cycle handling and awareness skills. Riders should be ready to progress to pedal cycle training at the end of this course.
Part 1: Prepare myself and the cycle for a journey
Part 2: Set off, glide and stop
Games: Once riders learn to change direction instructors should introduce games where riders interact with each other and are no longer riding in straight lines. Instructors ensure riders communicate and cooperate with each other during games. Each instructor introduces games appropriate to the skill being learned and change the games frequently (e.g. every five minutes), long before riders get bored. They ensure that games are carefully managed so that weaker riders are not continually losing or being the first to be ‘out’. Instructors keep explanations short and clear and start even if all riders do not yet fully understand as many will learn by watching and doing.
2. Bikeability Learn to Ride
£15 per session
Duration and number of sessions dictated by rider progression. 1:2 maximum ratio. Bikeability Learn to Ride is for children, parents, teachers and members of the wider community who are unable to ride independently. Riders who are not yet able to balance should start with Bikeability Balance before beginning the module.
3. Bikeability Fix
£15 per rider taking part in a session
2 sessions lasting 2 hours in total. 1:6 maximum ratio, 12 maximum participants. Bikeability Fix shows riders how to prepare their cycles for a journey and fix a puncture. When delivered before Bikeability training at Level 1, Bikeability Fix can improve the roadworthiness of cycles used in Bikeability. Knowing how to check a cycle and repair a puncture will give riders confidence to use their cycles after Bikeability at any level.
4. Bikeability Level 1
£15 to per session per rider taking part in a session
1 session lasting 2 hours in total. 1:6 maximum ratio, 12 maximum participants. Level 1 takes place off-road, sometimes on the school playground. This means that children can learn in a traffic-free environment.
Most children take part in Level 1 during Year 3 or 4. This is when they are between 7 and 9 years old.
Bikeability Level 1 teaches you to:
Prepare for cycling (including checking you are fit and ready to cycle, checking clothing and fitting a helmet, and checking the cycle and making sure your cycle fits you)
Getting on and off your cycle
Starting, stopping, and controlling your cycle
Set off, slow down, pedal and stop
Stopping quickly and managing hazards
Using gears
Looking behind, riding with one hand and signalling
Sharing space off road with pedestrians and other riders
Once this is achieved, then the rider has the bike control to learn to ride on the road.

Bookings & Enquiries
E-Flow Cycles BetteshangerBike Park
Sandwich Road, Deal, CT14 0BF
07843 780467